Thursday, August 1, 2013

The Weather Cooperated!!

Although we awoke to pouring rain the day ended up dry. We first traveled to a kayaking facility. The kids were quick to show their great kayaking abilities. The sun came out while they were on the water and they ended up having splashing fights with the paddles and then eventually ended up fully emersed in the water. There was lots of laughs and fun all around.
We then moved to a mountain resort and enjoyed a delicious lunch. After a brief rest we were handed bamboo fishing poles (I felt like Tom Sawyer) a pail and bait and we walked down to a stream and tried our  luck at fishing.  Within minutes we were catching rainbow trout.  I think everyone caought at least 1 fish.  The sun was out the whole time.  Thank goodness we had Zeno and Jacob with us.  They became quite proficient at getting the hooks out of the fish, even the one that both Livi and Bella caught (yes they both caught the same fish-two hooks had to be removed).  Ella and Lexi were convinced that we were killing the fish for no reason but soon learned that we (not me of course) would be eating these same fish later in the afternoon.
Next was gound golf.  Ground golf is played with a fat wooden club (somewhat like a croquet mallot but shaped like a golf club) and a ball the size of a handball.  You go from hole to hole while moving up a hill. 
Before we left all were treated to their fish that had been grilled on a stick.  All of today`s activities promoted lots of interactions between the CCLCS students and the Matsuyama students.  Everyone said what a fun day it was!!
Tomorrow we visit the Samari Museum, experience a tea ceremony and then end the day/night martching in the parade in Sakata City.  It will be a long day but rich in Japanese history and traditions.
We also found out that the Mayor of Sakata City has invited us back to the city on Saturday.  He would like our students to visit and work with a group of young students (kindergarten to grade 4) studying English.  Everyone is eager to do this so of course we said yes!!

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