Monday, August 5, 2013

A lesson with the SOBA Master

Today we were treated to a lesson with a SOBA master.  All of us were able to make soba noodles from scratch.  All students have the recipe so don't let them try to get out of making them for their families.  We learned that the ratios were important with the flour and the way the water is added.  We learned how to make the dough, roll the dough, cut the dough and then cook the noodles.  We later ate our own noodles in a cold soup. 
We also ate the cooked soba kernals (before they are made into flour).  For desert we had two treats.  First was mochi or rice balls.  There was green tea flavor and regular flavor with a red bean paste on top for sweetness.  The second treat was home made ice cream.  There was melon, grapefruit (personal favorite), banana and vanilla.  THe whole meal was delicious.  Before we broke for the day we walked to a local elementary school which is facing a possible closure due to low enrollment (40 students).  Just imagine our students faces when they saw this school with radient heat under their pristine wood floors, a gym, a cafeteria, a computer room, a library, solar panels, and a swimming pool.  The principal was amazed to learn that we had none of those things. I did explain that even though we lacked the bells and whistles we still had an exemplary education program.
A 1pm our programming ended and we faced the reality that our homestay was coming to an end.  Tomorrow will be bittersweet.  At dinner tonight as they adults gave a goodbye toast, I corrected them and said it is not goodbye, it is "see you later".  I hope that our students realize that they have made life long memories.  It has been a wonderful homestay and we all thank the Matsuyama community for welcoming us with open arms.  We have truly enjoyed our stay.

1 comment:

  1. Livi looks pretty focused with that knife! I hope the soba was as delicious as I remember!
