Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Our Homestay has begun.

We arrived in Matsuyama after 4 uneventful hours traveling by train.  We had no problem changing trains and we are confident we can do it in plenty of time when we return and only have 11 minutes to change trains. 
We were welcomed by the Matsuyama government officials and the executive committee of the exchange program with speeches and ovations.  The children met their homestay families and quickly went "home" with their family. 
It is raining here in Matsuyama and we understand that it has been particularly wet this summer.  Hopefully  the sun will return and we will see the beautiful village where we are staying. 
There is no WIFI here so the pictures will have to wait. 


  1. How exciting! Glad the trip went well! Can't wait to hear about more of your adventures!
    -(Bevin's Aunt)

  2. Great to get the news! Any chance the kids can post on this blog? Hope the sun comes out and you are all having a blast! - Zeno's mom
